Securing public access computers in public digital spaces and libraries
WEBKIOSK software integrates with your ILS database system to validate users with a unique ID.
Define users daily and weekly quotas (session time limits and pages to print).
Application preferences and system settings cannot be modified.
Secure your internet access: use pre-defined lists that comply with the legislation in your country or create your own lists of authorized and prohibited websites.
Using the Captive WiFi portal, users may join your Library WiFi with their own equipment.
Any staff member can schedule time slots for the reservation of computers or spaces, during library opening hours.
Provide training sessions using our workshop account management tool.
Carry out a pedagogical follow-up of users to improve the management of your workshops.
Centralize users print jobs on a dedicated computer to ensure privacy and a better organization.
Follow the students and users’ work on workstations.
Take control over the workstations and help individual patrons directly from a remote location.
Aesis provides maintenance and software management services of WebKiosk and your public computers. Updates are regularly performed.
Track usage statistics of workstations, users, and the use of the internet.
Configure and export reports to generate customized statistics.